Ep. 19 Clever Extra: Tony Salvagio, Street Photographer
Wix teamed up with Condé Nast to host a photography contest for Wix users, giving them the opportunity to win the ultimate photographer's dream prize: the chance to shoot the cover of BRIDES or Condé Nast Traveler, or assist on a Vanity Fair cover shoot. Thousands of photographers entered from all over the world, but only three could win. The judges included Susan White, photography director at Vanity Fair, Jenifer Walter, creative director at BRIDES, and Yolanda Edwards, creative director at Condé Nast Traveler. See how the judges chose their favorites and listen to our interview with him about his work and this life-changing opportunity at the beginning of Episode 19.
Over 10,000 photographers submitted their stunning Wix portfolios for the chance to shoot the cover of Brides or Condé Nast Traveler, or assist on a Vanity Fair cover shoot. After days of review, editors from each magazine made their choices.
“When I am looking at somebody’s work, what I’m really looking to see is a level of style and elegance.”
One of the winners of the contest, LA-based photographer Tony Salvagio, was in disbelief when he was revealed to be a finalist and even more stunned when he won the opportunity to assist esteemed photographer Peter Lindbergh on a Vanity Fair cover shoot featuring actress Jennifer Lawrence.
“I would hope that through my work I would be able to influence people to maybe change their outlook on life or change their mentality about a certain group of people. I hope that whatever I did was for a purpose and a cause—to better humanity. I find great joy in that.”
Here are some examples of Tony's street photography in his own words:
Midas Touch
"Midas Touch" was taken right after I was confronted by another man coming up the subway escalator. After he left, I immediately noticed this lady barely grazing the rail as she walked down. I thought it was so beautiful, the setting sunlight changed the plain looking rail into a bright vibrant gold color. This photo to me represents the wonder of the world, and how it is still possible to find stories of old in modern day Los Angeles... All you need is a little imagination.
Rat Race LA
"Rat Race LA" represents the infinite rat race of life and the never-ending quest to be someone. The man with his coat off sprinting up the stairs that lead right to the other side of the bridge. Although there's a separation of stairways by a five-lane road, I still see the infinity sign in the photo.
Do Not Enter
"Do Not Enter" was taken right outside the 2nd Street tunnel. I remember standing at the edge of it thinking to myself it feels like I'm being sucked in to a giant black hole, or vortex. The cyclist just so happened to be its victim that day.
Man in a Box
"Man In A Box" is a photo I'm still trying to figure out. I have a few them. I stumbled across this man guarding a closed off area with nothing in it accept the reflections of three pillars from outside. It's actually three overlapping reflections. I would like to think he's some sort of threshold guardian, like what Joseph Campbell discusses in Hero With A Thousand Faces, but I can't say with certainty.
"Lasik" I stumbled across a man reading with a magnifying glass. I thought to myself, "He looks interesting, also, who uses a magnifying glass anymore?" I crept up behind him to see what he was reading...
"LA FITNESS" to me is a social commentary of Los Angeles. We Angelenos tend to overlook the hard work and skill of the people building this city due to the Hollywood blah blah blah... this photo was a tribute to them.
Check out more of Tony's portfolio on tonysalvagio.com and follow him on Instagram.
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